Key Features

Abekus gives you statistics about your strong and weak topics, compare your topic-wise ranks with others and help you improve by giving questions based on your profile.

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icon Profile & Self Analysis

Practise by solving 50000+ free questions!

  • More than 100 categories, from domains like Computer Science, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering Mathematics, Aptitude & GK, and more.

  • Learn more in less time through our state-of-the-art adaptive learning Algorithms. Strengthen your weak areas, thorugh targeted learning.

  • Community driven content, growing and improving every day. You can also author questions, which will be accepted after rigorous review process.

  • Highly structured content, to help you improve specific weak areas, by selecting only the required subcategories for practise.


Compete and Win Prizes!

  • Competitions are hosted in each domain every month. This is your chance to show off what you have learnt and beat your opponents!

  • Competitions also comes with opportunity to win exciting prizes, Abekus Credits, Certificate of Achievement, and more.

  • Keep an eye on the upcoming competitions of the domain of your choice, on the competitions page of Abekus platform.


Contemplate and Flaunt!

  • Your Abekus profiles gives your detailed insights into your performance. You can analyze your shortcomings and compare with the public profile of other users, and improve.

  • You can share your public profile on your Linkedin and Resume, and show off your achievements!

What is so good about Abekus?

3 reasons why you should join Abekus now!

Unlimited Questions

Abekus community adds 100s of new questions every day, to the current corpus of 50,000+ questions. Our Comprehensive processes and algorithms makes sure you never run out of top-notch quality questions, across 100+ categories.

Gamelike Experience

Abekus is fun and rewarding! Built with concepts of gamification at it's core, Abekus strives to ensure you are constantly stayed motivated towards your learning goals.

It's Free!

Learning is Free at Abekus! :)


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What sets Abekus Apart?

AI backed, Community driven approach to Learning

Community Sources Questions
Community Sourced Questions

Abekus users are both authors and learners. Questions on Abekus are primarily created and improved by the users. This means, every passing day, the number and quality of questions of Abekus keeps improving.

Comprehensive Quality Check
Comprehensive Quality Checks

Every new question goes through a set of comprehensive quality checks. Only after passing all the checks, the question is included on the platform. The question is still monitored by our algorithms, and can be blocked again, on the basis of various parameters which our algos uses for quality assurance.

Adaptive Learning
Adaptive Learning

Abekus gives you targeted questions according to your level of expertise. This ensures maximum learning in minimum time. Your topic-wise level of expertise is calculated using our state-of-the-art algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence

Frequently Asked Questions

Which skill categories are currently available on Abekus?

There are more than 100 categories, spreading across 7 domains including Computer Science, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, General Knowledge & Aptitude, and Engineering Mathematics.

How does Abekus help me improve my skills?

For any given skill, Abekus will algorithmically determine your learning path based on your expertise in that skill. With every question, detailed solution and discussions will help you understand the underlying concepts.

What is the source of questions in Abekus?

Content on abekus is community driven, so the questions are being created by users like you. We have strong processes and algorithms to ensure the quality of the questions is always top-notch.

What is the role of the credits?

You will be rewarded credits for every social work you do on Abekus, like creating questions, adding a new solution, editing question or solution, reporting subpar questions etc. Credits is like local currency which can be exchanged for benefits like saving a broken streak!

Will companies approach me for jobs?

Your data will not be shared with any companies without your explicit content. Companies may approach you for jobs depending on your profile, if you show have mark your explicit interest from your profile.

And what about pricing?

We are absolutely Free! :)

Still have a question? Reach out to us: